The MG Adventure
Page Two: International Recognition

February 13, 2005. The MGA and I share the same birthday, as its
BMHT certificate revealed.
It was actually sunny that day, so my friend Darren joined
us for a birthday cruise. We stopped at
Al's of Olalla
for refreshments. This picture was taken with a Motorola
V-220 cell phone, which produces pictures about as good as
a VHS videotape on pause. I cleaned this up considerably.

The MGA made its premiere car show appearance at the
BC All British Field Meet on May 21, 2005. The weather on the
drive up and back was miserable, with frequent downpours of rain, and
the top leaked in all the customary places. At least with the top up,
rain merely drips on you rather than pelting you in the face. Still,
the rain stopped just as we were pulling onto the grounds of the
VanDusen Botanical Garden and it didn't start up again until we
were on our way home.

The 2005 All British Field Meet in
Bellevue, Washington. The weather was excellent for this event;
overcast in the morning turning sunny in the afternoon.

This is the MG Car Club Northwest Center's
MGA 50th Anniversary display tent, a fixture at all MG events in
2005, typically staffed by Jack and Bobbie Berg. Later in the day, in
a freak accident, a gust of wind picked up the tent and drug the
frame across the Bergs' excellently maintained original-condition
MGA "Snorty" (far left), leaving a gouge in the paint the full length
of the car.

I was quite honored when Tommy Ollars, MGA coördinator for
the MG Car Club of Sweden
saw this web site and asked me to write an article about the
restoration for their club newsletter. This publication is really
superb, with extremely high production values, and I was very
happy to comply. Unfortunately, as you can see from the cover,
my article appeared in the same issue as the news about the
demise of MG-Rover. The scans of the article are rather large,
from 440 to 750 kilobytes per page, so I'll just link them here:
First Page
Second Page
Third Page
Back to Page One
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