The MGA Restoration Project

Page Thirty Eight:    Finishing Touches

New heater controls are installed.

The front bumper awaits installation.

The spare tire cover and rear bumper are in place. Here you can see the authentic 1958 license plate. Washington law allows a car to be registered as a collector vehicle either with special collector vehicle plates or with an original license plate from its year of manufacture. I got this plate from a license plate collector who had several sets which had never been issued. They were found in an Auditor's office in Skamania County.

Ready to go!

Style Section:

I found this ad in The Wall Street Journal about the time that the restoration project began. The treadmill looks like just another yuppie toy, the house looks like the work of a hack architect (two storey stone arches over entryways are so 1990s!) but the car certainly is one of the best things life has to offer.

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