The MGA Restoration Project

Page Nineteen:    Detour to Sand Blasting

We ran into a snag in the winter when Matt discovered that the automotive sandblasting company he'd been using for many years closed shop without leaving any contact information. Body panel sandblasting is a specialized art because it's very difficult to sandblast sheet metal without deforming it. Although no exterior panels are blasted, care still needs to be taken to prevent damage. No sooner had we become ensconced in the mud room, than a new sand blasting firm was located and the MG's body tub shipped off for processing. Here's what it looks like upon return.

The engine compartment, trunk, interior and the panels behind the fenders were all blasted and primed, giving the body its first fairly uniform color (gray) in a long time. Notice that certain engineering features, like the recess in the top of the left fender well to accommodate the cold-air inlet, are now much more visible.

View of the freshly-primered trunk.

View of the interior shows the floorboards have got to go. Holes were cut in the front floorboards to allow access to the area under the (removed) dash board, and the rear floorboards which support the seat frames are showing a lot of wood rot.


OK, this isn't really an "historic" picture, but it is an old one. This is the only picture I have of me in the car, taken by my grandmother not long after I bought it, in the fall of 1986. Note the jaunty Canadian style "Driving Toque", a sporty accessory for the autumnal motorist.

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