The MGA Restoration Project

Page Twenty Four:    Mud Work

This is the rear of the car after the application of the first coat of primer. It looks pretty good...

...but to the practiced eye it's a sea of small imperfections that need to be smoothed over before painting can begin.

This is the cowl area. Blue filler compound is to fill small imperfections. Pink filler compound smoothes out larger areas.

No, this isn't a stereo pair, it's a side-by-side comparison of the nose of the car to show all the little blemishes that need to be smoothed out with filler compound before painting.


I have no idea who painted this picture, as the signature is too small to read and all I have is this JPEG, but it depicts the 1956 Sebring race and the MGA entered by Manhattan Auto in Washington, DC. Note the special octagonal "circle" around the registration number. The three MGAs entered in this race (all by MG distributors, not the factory, and therefore painted in the US racing colors of white and blue) finished 19th (this car), 20th and 22nd overall; 4th, 5th and 6th in their class, and won the Team Prize. After the race these cars were re-painted and sold as used cars by the dealers. There is no record of who they were sold to or whether they survive to this day.

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