AMI Model G-200 Credit Accumulator

This AMI G-200 came with what appears to be a factory-installed credit accumulator. Most G-200s had a simple coin-at-a-time credit unit built into the electrical selector. This shows the credit accumulator mounted to the inside of the lower door.

Credit accumulator with "DUAL CREDIT" printed on the chassis. Note the placement of the free play jumper, and the fact that the armature seems to have undergone several field repairs. Click for an enlarged image.

The standard "SELECT" light under the selection buttons has been replaced by three lights which display the amount of credit inserted or remaining.

General view of the electrical selector.

In place of the stock credit unit is a cam which operates two switches.

Click for an enlarged image.

As with the credit accumulator, the chassis of the electrical selector has "DUAL CREDIT" printed on it.

Thanks to the dilligent members of the jukebox mailing list, the mystery is solved. Mel Knight provided scans of the service bulletin covering this factory aftermarket kit to provide multi-pricing for EPs on this machine.
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